Monday, September 15, 2008

My Writing Technologies

Depending on what and why I am writing will depend on which "tool" I will use to write with. For instance, if I'm posting a blog, I will certainly use a computer. ha, ha
But seriously, if I am writing a paper for school I will use a computer's word processor. But if I am writing for fun I usually do it curled up in my bed with a notebook and pen. It feels more personal to me. It wasn't until I had a scare with misplacing things did I start to put the things I wante to save in my computer. It's like a rough draft and finished copy, but if something makes it to my computer I actually want to remember writing it and possibly reread it later on.
I never really looked at my Bic as a tool until now, I thought I was rather primative using it.
I don't think I would ever want to type on a typewriter, though. I make too many mistakes. Too many slips of the finger on other letters. I would get very frustrated, plus I can't stand a paper that is covered in white out.

1 comment:

Steven D. Krause said...

Well, there are always those self-correcting typewriters. Though they usually are too heavy for a lap in bed.