Monday, September 8, 2008

What is style?

A writing style, to me, is comparable to a dress stlye. There are certain ways one likes to dress that they prefer and there are ways one must dress for certain roles. For example, at home or even at school pajamas may be the extent of your wardrobe, but you wouldn't dare wear them to a job interview or even when you are on the job. You wouldn't wear those same jammies to a wedding or a nice evening out (although that is also subject for interpretation), but you also wouldn't wear your work "uniform" or "interview duds".
A writing style conforms to what and who you are writing for. All writers have their own niche that they prefer. For instance, some may love writing with sarcasim and humor but your boss and teachers may not be so amused. Personally my favorite "style" of writing is poetry, but I couldn't very well post this blog in a poem chalk full of metaphor and allusion and hope for the same response. That is what my creative writing class if for.
So all in all I would say that style has two parts. The personal, warm fuzzy part and the business-like professional part.

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